
Jesus Secrets by Lynn Cory

The intention of this book is to help us uncover many of Jesus’ secrets for advancing His kingdom—His reign and rule—that are often overlooked. My hope is that your eyes may see into the invisible realm of Christ in order to take hold of His secrets. They are available to anyone God will grant eyes to see.

All too often, we who desire to see Jesus’ kingdom advance resort to methods, programs, or our own strategies, which often have a very short shelf life, rather than what Jesus put forth in the Gospels about how His kingdom advances.

Jesus’ approach is counterintuitive to these vehicles for reaching people; this is why the book refers to them as secrets. His approach involves relationship, which is more sustainable. Jesus alluded to these secrets in Matthew 13:11 after His disciples asked Him why He spoke in parables. He responded, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.” The “them” that Jesus was referring to here are those who didn’t have eyes to see (13:13).

Pastors and Leaders

How Neighborhood Initiative Helps



Help leading churches toward loving their actual neighbors



Books written to assist pastors lead their churches in loving their neighbors.



Free and printable materials that will help with loving neighbors.



Teachings, seminars, and Q&A's to help implement neighboring.

Listen to Bruce Zachary's experience with Neighborhood Initiative.

Listen to Dallas Willard's word to pastors and leaders about Neighborhood Initiative.