
Welcome to our blog page dedicated to loving your neighbor as yourself! Here you’ll find practical tips and thoughtful insights on cultivating a spirit of love and compassion towards those around us. Explore our articles and be inspired to take action in your own life.

Enjoy Our Articles on Neighboring

The Vision: “The whole church taking the whole gospel to the whole city, one neighborhood at a time.”

Roads to Revival and Awakening

Roads to Revival and Awakening

Reformation “Churches without Borders” Once while having breakfast with Dallas Willard, he said to me, “If revival and awakening come, our buildings...

What’s the New Normal for the Church?

What’s the New Normal for the Church?

With the pandemic, we are living in an unprecedented season when neighbors are more open to talk with us and we need to take advantage of this rare opportunity.

A Door of Opportunity

A Door of Opportunity

“…I have placed before you a door that no one can shut”… (Revelation 3:8) DOWNLOAD PRINTABLE RESOURCE In 1994, we in the San Fernando Valley...

Pastors and Leaders

How Neighborhood Initiative Helps



Help leading churches toward loving their actual neighbors



Books written to assist pastors lead their churches in loving their neighbors.


Free Resources

Videos, articles, and printable materials that will help with loving neighbors.



Teachings, seminars, and Q&A’s to help implement neighboring.

Listen to Bruce Zachary's experience with Neighborhood Initiative.

Listen to Dallas Willard's word to pastors and leaders about Neighborhood Initiative.