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Neighboring Ministry

Resources to help pastors and leaders lead their churches to love their neighbors and make disciples as Jesus commanded.

The present institutional church and operating system, along with those from a previous generation, make it difficult to break out of the building and the many church events and programs.

Roads to Revival and Awakening Featured Image

New Blog Post!Dallas Willard spells out the elephant-in-the-room about churches in our cities. “Once you back up and look at it, it’s obvious that the separation between the churches in our communities is one of the hardest things to get past to appreciate what Christ is doing in the world. I have tried to approach this by saying to ministers that the most important part of your ministry is that to other ministers. Come to know them, and begin to get over the idea of separation and competition.” Let’s explore how that could all change if we had eyes to see what the Lord desires for his Church. Read Post


Explore the books written by Lynn Cory to help you with neighboring.


Pastors and Leaders – Get coaching to lead your church or group into neighborhood ministry.

Neighborhood Initiative and Lynn Cory

The Vision: “The whole church taking the whole gospel to the whole city, one neighborhood at a time.”

I have been a pastor since 1969 and served to support two senior pastors in their ministries for almost 40 years. I can empathize and understand the difficulties of a senior pastor and the difficulties of moving a congregation to become incarnational.


Here’s why Lynn can help:

1. He and his wife have been involved in loving their actual neighbors for fifty years and have encouraged others in their own neighborhoods to become active in loving their neighbors.

2. In 2008, Lynn invited those in his congregation to become active in loving neighbors (many of their stories are in the Neighborhood Initiative book).

3. Eventually, other pastors in his city became interested in what those in his congregation were doing, and Lynn helped them get started with their congregation.

4. In time, Lynn began receiving referrals from pastors who recommended him to other pastors to help them initiate this kind of work in their communities (many of their stories are in The Incarnational Church and in the video section).

5. Over the last ten years Lynn has written five books on the subject matter to assist pastors and leaders to move their congregations toward being a part of Jesus’ grassroots movement.

6. Today, Lynn is involved in coaching pastors and leaders in the neighboring movement and he would love to hear from you if the Lord is leading you in this direction.


Featured Video – New!

“Bruce Zachary, pastor of Calvary Nexus in Camarillo, shares his neighboring story with some pastors in the San Fernando Valley and how the Lord led him to turn his church inside out. It is an amazing story.”

What Pastors are Saying

Dallas Willard

“My heart is with the Neighborhood Initiative under Christ. It’s the only thing that can bring life to our cities now. Neighborhood Initiative has been raised up in our time by the Spirit of God to address the special conditions of our cities.” – Dallas Willard


Bruce Zachary

Bruce Zachary planted a Calvary Chapel with his wife in their living room. After 20 years the church had grown to have “great success,” but it was revealed to Bruce that something of utmost importance was missing. He reveals in his story what was missing and how it revolutionized his life and the impact it can have on our world.

Pastors and Leaders

How Neighborhood Initiative Helps



Help leading churches toward loving their actual neighbors



Books written to assist pastors lead their churches in loving their neighbors.



Free and printable materials that will help with loving neighbors.



Teachings, seminars, and Q&A's to help implement neighboring.

Get Started!

Fill out the form to inquire about getting started with Neighborhood Initiative today.

Or call Lynn @ 818-269-3608

Contact Us

Listen to Bruce Zachary's experience with Neighborhood Initiative.

Listen to Dallas Willard's word to pastors and leaders about Neighborhood Initiative.